All electronic devices are brought to school at the student’s own risk.

Devices are expected to be put away during class time and only used during the noon hour.

At no time are students welcome to take pictures and/or videos of themselves or other students during the school day at MCS.

Devices that are being misused (according to the above expectations) will be taken and held at the office. Parents can pick up the device from the Principal.

Meduxnekeag Consolidated reserves the right to ban individual students from bringing an electronic device/phone to school as circumstances dictate.

Bring Your Own Laptop – Grade 8 and 7/8 Students Only

Grade 8 and 7/8 students are invited to Bring Their Own Laptop to school as part of our technology sustainability plan.

Students participating in the BYOL will need to follow a specific code of use. This will be sent home to participating families in September.

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